Veros was like 1v1 me, my map my game.
I got him 5-0 then he was like im not warm. Dumb excuse for baddies.
Even though he was only hiding, still got him ez.


was in 1 hit, he has got no aim.
Finally he ragequits.

And DDoS asked SNO 1v1, raped him. Then he was like i wreck you in SGO, we did like 5-6 i won all, and 1 draw. That kid has to sit down.
I know I'm bad, but they ego me. so hueheheuheuheeuh sit.


Now both, stop making me laugh.
With those ''Not warm excuses''
Why the **** would you ask 1v1 when you're not warm, its just a dumb excuse to cover youre lose.