I click my profile and i see Snowleopard raging

"Please show me where I posted the "moh your cute" shit, because I'm really waiting for it even though I already know nothings going to pop up.
I reccomend you stop talking trash when thats exactly what you are. How about you post all those CW lost against me? By the way, lets count all your 1v1 losses you garbage. Your a conceited idiot and you really need help, you broken twat.

Call me gay, call me a ******, call me trash, I'll give you a carebear."

First of all, his profile picture scares me, he wants my number, seems a bit shady.
Second of all, his grammar is shit, and calls me a conceited idiot, using big words to seem smart.
Third of all, he tells me i lose 1v1's against others when he doesn't 1v1 himself. I don't understand why this guy doesn't realize that half the server is unlegit
Fourth of all, his ending statement is cute, he didn't state his bullshit carecup.

P.s if you read this, don't piss your pants knowing that the public sees this. Put on a diaper and suck it up 12 year old.