[Game Mode]

Mode: - Team DeathMatch
Members: - 4 vs.4
Rounds: - 20 Rounds
Winner: - The first clan to win 11 rounds, (or the clan with the most wins at the end of 20 rounds) will be declared the winner. There will be a tie breaker if it is needed.

Time Limit: - 5 Minute Round Time limit
Late Join: - Allowed
Friendly Fire: - OFF
Level Restrict: - None
Team Balance: - OFF

[Tournament Rules]

Clan Leader MUST Record & Screenshot all matches played
Ingame rules still apply
Maps will be selected by me
Spiking / Force lagging will result in a kick
If/when a player is disconnected, the game will not stop. The game will continue with or without that user He/she may join in the game once their connection is restored
Any sort of hacking/cheating by any member of the clan will result in the clan disqualification from the tournament
Turn your whispers off. It is your responsibility to come to the match prepared. There will be no QQ
You may only play for ONE clan
No Name Cloning
All matches will use the [V] tag

Tournament will be hosted on the 5th of January 2012 and if it's not finished then it will continue on to the 6th.

wheres it say all tourny matches must be done by 1 pm est/GMT-5?

looks like it says jan 5 and jan 6.