Originally Posted by rofl View Post
I'm not ego'ing, you are, you are claiming a style as yours, and we sure as hell don't give a damn, maybe people will adopt your style, but no1 will call it psy style, YOU are ego'ing for putting your name in that, you just want to be remembered.. apparently i don't think every1 gives a damn, and will call it some other kind of style, BS style or w/e.

P.S. your sig is ego all over, no1 gives a damn if you got 68 kills in a duel, maybe just some AFK kid while no mods are on.
#1 Can you not read? Because I clearly stated "I did not name the style, my students did"

#2 The style is mine because I freaking DESIGNED IT! HURRR DURRR

#3 It's not your issue to worry about. Honestly I don't give a damn what you think of my style. I designed it originally and then improved it with the help of friends. I give credit where credit is due. Now, would you kindly GTFO MY /b/.
