Originally Posted by Leopard View Post
i'll only answer #3, and the only answer is simple...simple maps make the game fun, take ideas from ijji & nagi [HellSniper] they're the best map makers for gunz imo. they keep the maps simplistic and balanced.
also, it should mirrored / where the team starts and paths are equal and balanced. (Mansion / High Haven)
one cant have to many "choke points to hold" or important places.
For Props, dont make to many please. makes the map alot more laggy, and the detail might be to much to remove the so called class away from the map.
but think simple.
just an example, really dont do it o.o..

two large towers/buildings, whatever.
2/3 layers of bridges, one at the top, one at the bottom and opt: one in the middle connecting to a tower in the middle (like a king of the hill style. )

that way you have two teams attacking the middle tower, and maybe even attacking the enemys tower. horrible example sorry D:< im not a map maker lolol
thing about that is then people complain about it not having enough detail. ppl are never satisfied, its either always too much detail/-/objects (too cramped) or too little detail and objects and too wide open

also no disrespect to Hellsniper but id say pluke is the best gunz mapper. hes made some (pretty much) perfect gunz type maps before even with gtk if he can make good maps with gtk then thats skill