Im taken aback too, he is a quality staff member, but to hear that was a shot to the head. That was a really poor move on his part, but we do have to understand it is his choice and not ours, his life and not ours, and he has to do what he thinks is best for him.

On another topic, these new staff members surely know how to shit talk. There was quite an argument today between Jin, KingKareem, Resort and Ben today; it was rather funny though.
Adorable was trying to handle a UC thread, when she can hardly K-style in game, she just talks or ignores people.
Jin fired a comment to her, and she of course ignored it; what choice did she really have. But Resort says "Jin shut the **** up you cant handle a UC thread either" or something like that. It caused a dispute for about 5 minutes, before Ben applys ice to the burns made within the chatbox. I was muted during the time, but I really would've liked to jump into this conversation, because for a newer staff member, that was a poor move and you make yourself look unprofessional. I applaud Adorable for ignoring the situation, it is what you should do, but I'm puzzled why she tried to do the UC report. I believe she should of left it to Kunal, somebody who had knowledge of what underclocking is and how to spot it. After this, I lost complete hope in our new trial GM's.