This is a simple confession seeing as Vipur doesn't seem to want to post a screenshot stating I approve his post as Ignorant as the kid is, My confession is towards an UC'd QBF i performed to test how stupid he was to see if he believed it would be real or fake, the obvious answer is fake as I did tell him afterwords, I am one to simply test out things when I'm bored and if that's enough to get me banned than so be it. Bare in mind I did nothing to abuse a character or the server, No harm was done except for an ignorant argument that Vipur brought up multiple times, This is out of subject, the factor is what was done is done, Vipur these next words are directed at you, Just because someone does things to test stuff does not mean they are unlegit, your choice of words towards the placement of a TBF makes me think your unlegit, either that or stupid, no offence.

Am I banned or not? I'd like this topic to be solved quickly please, thank you.

Don't ask why I am posting this just respect it.

P.S - My apology's for thread name I misspelled his username on the forums.

Vipers Previous Report:

"( Since he doesnt use flip glitch this qbf is not legit )
Also the speed of a real QBF (with flip) - Youtube it. is not the same as this one.
Also u can tell hes a bit glitchy
Proof ; Replay =
Name : xTheSaintx
Close this threat might take 1 day till i find the good replay sorry for the inconvienance"