Originally Posted by sumusiko View Post
im not on his **** but it seems like you are because you asked about him. i said "jordan and every1 else decent" and u started talking about him.

anyways you've played a while and no you're not magicians material but ive never heard about u on any other server and ive seen you play and you're not really that good, so in my opinion people who aren't good don't have a right to judge who is.
It came across to me as if you implied Jordan was decent, when he's just an unlegit kid, hacking, ucing, ddosing his way into decency. I hardly play gunz most of the time, and when I do I pretty much only play freestyle gunz. My skills will also depend on how long I've been active again. I'm not completely oblivious to the fact that theres much better players than me out there. At least I'm legit, I guess thats something heh.