Originally Posted by Praa View Post
I see madness
I already smacked you nuff times to tell you , you're shit.

Originally Posted by Tomboii View Post
Kraise, Korean, is one of the first players that played KGunz and later started playing on iGunz for whatever reason. KGunz had been around for a longer time, their playstyle was more advanced and he brought it to iGunz. The k in k-style originates from either; Korean, as this is where the basics of the style was developed. Kraise, as he brought it to iGunz, or Katana, as this is the weapon used in the style. The person you're playing is not kraise. quit embarrassing yourself.
Nerd thinks he knows shit LOL me when it's k better stick to fgunz where I still smack you, trash kid