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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Before we warn and infractdon't pls ,_, me, this is for educational purposes. CheatEngine does not work on FGunZ you should know and anyway, you guys have a nice anti-uc I've seen it.
    so don't infract me pls ok ,_, (PS: Dave said it was fine kinda.)

    Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, lets get started.

    1. IDTIMWYTIMS: I don't think it means what you think it means.
    2. UC (GunZ Related): Speed hack.
    3. OC (GunZ Related): Speed hack.
    4. UC - Lowering your Processor's (CPU/GPU) frequency under factory settings. This does NOT effect gameplay because it effects your WHOLE system.
    5. OC - Increasing your Processor's (CPU/GPU) frequency over factory settings. This does NOT effect gameplay because it effects your WHOLE system.

    .::Common Misconceptions::.
    1. Isn't UCing your whole computer making you illegit in GunZ? NO. It's simply like downgrading a processor. (Going from an i7 to an i3) Just because your processor is running at a lower frequency does not mean that it will effect GunZ unless you go down to ******edly low levels such as 500MhZ or less at which point, kill yourself.
    2. Isn't OCing your whole computer making you illegit in GunZ? NO. It's the opposite of the above. It's like upgrading (Going from an i3 to an i7). Just because your computer is faster, it does not mean GunZ gameplay speed is faster. It means it will be processed faster but gameplay will stay ultimately the same and you will not see others moving faster or slower.
    3. Is overclocking/underclocking your CPU/GPU against the rules. NO. It does not make gameplay faster or slower, it makes your computer faster or slower. The requirements for GunZ are so marginal that it will not make a difference. Infact, almost all current gen processors are rapidly underclocking or overclocking themselves in real time because it does not have to be running at max speed 24/7.
    4. So why is it called UC or OC then? Who knows? Maybe it sounds cooler and it'll make everyone think you're a computer wiz. This is GunZ, its all about ego. (Some people hint at actually going into Bios and doing so that way, and thats by far the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. Just why would you go that far for a marginal advantage.)

    I assume now that it's time to prove myself. So using a very simple demonstration I'll try to prove it.
    The demonstration program is something I created myself. I used tickcounts in it. The time is protected from UC/OC of any kind, it takes system time which is NOT being sped up or slowed down.
    If you want it, or the source PM me, its nothing spectacular just for demonstration purposes.

    These demonstration will cover everything besides CPU based underclocking. I'm too lazy to go into bios and edit my voltages. Take my word for it, unless you drop to a point where an iPod is faster then your PC it will make 0 difference.

    Normal Speed

    Speed Hack ("OC")

    Speed Hack ("UC")

    GPU Based UC (Someone told me today that OCing my GPU would get me banned. So to prove them wrong, I ran the program with my GPU and then proceeded to change the clock speeds and power consumption of it. I also had KBoost on to ensure consistency. If you've learned anything today consider this one just a joke.)

  2. The following 5 users say thank you to 1mike1 for this useful post:

    Kira (05-22-2013), KoreanAim (05-21-2013), Mike (05-19-2013), Profection (05-22-2013), Rain (05-22-2013)

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