Hello FGunZ,

I don't know if you can do something for that, but it would be really appreciated though...

I recently noticed there's someone on your server using my unique name.

Proof : http://fgunz.net/character/view/HuskyBw

I mean... I don't mind seeing other name with "Husky" but there's someone who made a character with the name "HuskyBw"

"BW" is almost my own trademark XD im playing on 6 differents server with the same in-game name. (Since iGunZ)

[BW] stand for my old clan [B]east [W]arrior (From 2002~2009) and im a bit disappointed to see someone else using my name.

Is it possible to change his name ? Atleast removing the "Bw" from his name.

It would be really appreciated

Thank you

Friendly, Husky[BW]