Originally Posted by Vickachu View Post
because lining up only good things about ps4 and bad things about xbox one isnt fanboyism at all.

I think im going to stick to pc this generation. consoles are starting to suck big time.

this "war" is just stupid and ignorant because if you look closely you can see that both systems are almost equal on performance. the only diffrences lie in the quality of the network and prices. (we are only talking about gaming).
Not fanboyism if XBONE actually is ****ing over their consumers. I feel I really shouldn't have say this, but THE COMPANY HAS TO CATER TO US, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. WE buy their games. WE are responsible for whatever profits they make. They need to realize this or Xbox One is gonna lead to MS losing money again in their gaming division (first XBox was a terrible time for them). I did state some of the exclusives looks good, I'd LOVE to try some of them, but if all M$ is going to do is cover up their stupidity by saying "Oh we have games now, ALL THAT SHIT BEFORE NO LONGER MATTERS BECAUSE OF THIS ONE FACT".

What proves this further, that was Microsoft is doing is just terrible market decision making, is the fact that Sony fires a shot at Microsoft by literally announcing it's NOT doing what Microsoft is doing and even made a video about sharing games (which was just hilarious; rubbing more salt in the wound). And then they announced it's $100 cheaper for something that's strictly better than what XBONE has to offer.

But yes, Sony does have some negative aspects. I forgot the fact that with the PS4 you are required a PSN+ account to PLAY your games online. BUT AT LEAST PSN+ IS WORTH $5 A MONTH RATHER THAN PAYING $5/MONTH JUST TO GO ONLINE.

I don't mean to sound childish or anything, but Microsoft messed up big time and it will be a matter of time before they just give up in their console marketing.