Originally Posted by Wucas View Post
Depends on brand, show, type, and quality.

PVC (stagnant pose):
1/8 Figures of mid tier quality run between 30-100 USD depending on brand and show.
1/6 Figures of mid tier quality run around 50-150 USD depending on brand and show. (This is what Rin is, she would have originally cost 130 USD, or something close to that.)
High quality and limited editions can range from 200-500 USD depending on brand and show.

Figma (moveable limbs):
Usually run 50-100 USD depending on brand and show.

CAPSULE (mini figurines, usually in sets):
20 USD per figurine, set usually 50-100 depending on show.

Nendroid (mini figurines, chibi form):
5-10 USD per figurine, set usually 30-50 depending on show.
My god ! Thats nuts . You said originally? How much did you pay for it?