Originally Posted by Arances View Post
You started that mistake its ur fault u shouldn't have left the room before giving kira the host
3 Lines isn't spam saying "stop bothering me" so asking questions is bothering? what kind of a gm are u srsly remember that time omma hosting dbn event then suddenly u come NOT ANNOUNCING AT ALL! U FINISHED HOSTING UR EVENT THEN WHEN OMMA ALMOST FINISHES HIS u come and throw a fking nade and killed coz of that i got kicked ur response? : we do that all the time
oh so u go to a event that ur not even hosting and throw a nade without even announcing u do that all the time obv ...
As I said, it was my mistake STILL you didn't give me a reason why you kicked everyone.
Actually, I call it spam, if it was two lines I would be like "ok", but three lines? Don't you think you can write a question in one line rather than 3 lines?
I came in Omma's event, all I did was throw a grenade and killed on of the members playing, don't put this on me just because you didn't die.
There were 4 users playing and you was the one to die last, just because I killed one doesn't mean it's my fault.