Well i've played this game previously, but i'm honestly not sure which of my many emails i have my account information under, as i tend to make more than one account. I recently found 2 of my accounts out, and was able to successfully get them active again. My only problem is i only have a total of 1 character throughout both accounts. Now i'm almost 90% sure that when i originally created my accounts i would secure certain names, such as Tolerance. Of course returning to the game i just tried to create them again. And to my surprise about 4 of my prior names were taken. I'm thinking to myself that either someone is really good at picking names, or i just have a separate account out there with all my names on it. I've already used the email for username recovery once with my primary email, but it won't let me do it again for another 24 hours. I was hoping maybe someone could help me in with looking up my character names, checking levels, or just seeing the other character names under an account or emails, anything at all is helpful. It could be possible that the account was deleted and the characters were erased, because the last time i was on this forum was 2 years ago, here. If verification is needed to ensure that it's my account i'm pretty sure i could easily do that.