I have been having an issue while playing FGunz. For some reason, while mid-game, my PC will just suddenly shut down. I don't know if it's happening in-game (playing) or just in general when I launch the game. But I can only play for 10-20 minutes before my PC shuts down. I try to play a lot of infected and so far that's the only game mode it happens to me in. I play on max settings but I don't think that's the case. My PC isn't overheating... I have a BIOSTAR A770E3 Motherboard, 16G's DDR3 Ram, GeForce FX 560 Ti over-clocked video card, AMD Athlon II X4 635 processor. If someone can please help me resolve this issue and help me fix it, or if someone else is also having this issue, please post so everyone else will know and we can get this bug or w/e it is fixed right away. Thank you.