Skype conversation about recently deleted character after KD whoring (running and logging for HP, not against rules! )
I have a feeling admins will delete this just because they dont like to admit their failures, but heh worth a try:

Josh Land: Hi Micah, im from FGunZ. I need to talk to an admin in a coherent convo rather than the dumb forum theads about my recent character deletion
*** Micah has shared contact details with Josh Land. ***
Micah: what characters were they
Josh Land: ClanMaster
Josh Land: -sorry, just got back now and was away for about 5 hours (looking at timestamps... good timing!!!)
Micah: ClanMaster?
Micah: lol.
Micah: when was it deleted?
Josh Land: yesterday
Josh Land: i only noticed around 6ish in the morning thismorning tho
Josh Land: err 5*ish
Micah: kk
Micah: sec
Micah: the character doesn't exist
Micah: lol.
Josh Land: HERPDERP deleted
Josh Land: w. me donor items
Josh Land: w. no proof
Josh Land: w. no warning
Micah: uh
Micah: uh
Micah: i know it's deleted.
Micah: so lets not be a **** or be rude
Josh Land: trying not to be, but i have a short temper for abusive admins on any game.
Micah: it isn't abusive in any way.
Micah: so **** your short temper.
Josh Land: wait, donating, me playing within rules, then a sudden withoutwarning ban with no proof?
Josh Land: okay, so i got a lot of kills, i was KD whoring
Josh Land: thats not against the rules
Josh Land: go to anouncements and check "Rules" ingame and otherwise; says nothing about combat logging or running when low HP
Micah: okay
Micah: but swapping is against the rules
Josh Land: ofcourse.
Micah: and that's what you were doing.
Josh Land: ??
Josh Land: YEA, SURE. right
Micah: i just showed you
Micah: a screenshot
Micah: of a log
Josh Land: cuz i was swapping with like 300 people who dont speak my language
Micah: showing you were swapping
Micah: so swapping with someone you can't understand makes it okay ;-;
Josh Land: ???its a flag. its put up in relation to KDR.
Josh Land: how is it swapping killing randoms?
Josh Land: i kill noobs who do nothing but sit there and slash
Josh Land: then run and log...
Josh Land: that isnt swapping?
Josh Land: public rooms, many different players- not swapping.
Josh Land: many people can attest to my being-a-**** tactics of running away
Micah: don't talk.
Micah: until i'm done.
Micah: how can you say that you would log out in combat
Micah: when it says you had a playtime of 119 minutes.
Josh Land: i log to match lobby (not server lobby)
Josh Land: you dont technicially leave room until u leave to server lobby
Micah: okay
Micah: stop.
Micah: it says
Josh Land: i.e. when "user left room" for votekick stops
Micah: playtime
Micah: 119 minutes
Josh Land: yes?
Micah: you were in that room for 119 minutes
Micah: that's not playtime
Micah: of logging out
Micah: that's playtime IN THAT ROOM
Micah: you are full of shit.
Josh Land: i only log out for like 1-2 seconds?
Josh Land: wanna come watch me play? i can replicate it
Micah: okay.
Micah: once again
Micah: you were in that room for 119 minutes
Josh Land: stand up somewhere high, KS, TBF-circle noobs who just stand there with dualswords and slash-
Josh Land: easy kills
Josh Land: no swaps
Micah: once you leave the room, even to the gameroom lobby, it still logs you out
Micah: of the room
Josh Land: no >.>
Josh Land: idc what you say i logged out repeatedly over and over between every 1-8 kills
Josh Land: impossible i was in a room for that long (but once i was in a training room, never got that many kills -was teaching someone)
Josh Land: nvm ill go talk to a linear since devs atleast know how the server mechanics work q.q
Josh Land: deleted me as a contact.
you give no evidence besides automated flags,
you dont even comprehend the system behind the automated flags,
"when was it deleted?"
"character doesnt exist"