Name of player: Dirka

Evidence: 1st replay: 2nd replay: 3rd replay:

i looked over the replays before agreeing to report for him (he doesnt have a forum acct). his sb is pretty obvious obvious to me just by his play style. the 3rd replay is the shortest i think but it's real obvious in it the way he plays. i can give you some examples:
the 1st round in the 3rd one, he walks backwards holding his gun out to look for the player & shoots but doesn't rs. he walks behind the truck with his gun out, instead of defending. normal players dont do that if theyre going for cover. the last two shots in that round are pretty obvious
the third round in the 3rd replay again he holds his gun out while walking along the truck instead of defending because his gun will auto fire if he sees them. he stands in one spot after halfstepping to shoot both guns, and doesn't rs. he also halfsteps and then kind of walks with his gun out after he lands because he is still aiming to auto fire. i dont think he is constantly sb'ing there's some normal play in there to mask it, but he is sb'ing when he does things like walks with his gun out, tumble shoots, potshots (there are a few times his gun fires immediately before u even really see the player come around a corner), and a lot after reloading if you're close to him. he's constantly backing up / back pedaling so he can aim the cursor to sb some rounds. anyway have a look

that's just the 3rd replay i didn't watch them all enough to get details play by play from all of them. but hopefully you'll see it.

also he doesn't have any ss's of his ping, but i looked on the report section for sb, and i didn't see that you need any so i hope this is fine.

i also 1v1'd him and have that recording as well. if you need more evidence i will add it