Aight i'll help you. All these responses are lacking certain things, which you need to know bout before you even try to TBF, or else you'll be practicing for nothing. Seriously. Nothing, cause you won't learn it if...

It's a lot about your keyboard, if you are using keys to perform block that is. First off, do the keyboard test: Press n hold two keys at the exact same time in a text field until you see the keys you pressed are inputted, spam basically. If it looks like this dfffffffffffffffffffffff or fddddddddddddddddddd, then you won't be able to master TBF. Also, if the keys repeat like this: fdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfd, then, your keyboard can do it, and it can also E-Lunge and do basically everything in the game. The more keys your keyboard can take at once, the better chance you have too. So, fsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsad, is a bonus. I practiced TBF back in the day for sooo long and I had a teacher tryna teach me, he kept saying its easy and he could tbf really nicely. I had gotten to a point where my DBF was super fast but I still couldn't tbf, just as I couldn't E-Lunge. So one day after finding out it was my keyboard cuz I used shift for block, I changed block to right click and I could do everything then. I could instantly TBF over n over n over n over super fast.

Another thing is your frames per second while playing GunZ. If your FPS is constantly spiking and is never stable like mine, then you're going to have a bad time. Limiting your FPS with an FPS limiter doesn't mean your computer can actually hold the frames at w/e it is your trying to lock em to. The best is to try n lock round the 200-300's. 250 I think was the best, didn't play in a long time man I cant remember, 230-250. Try that. Hope your pc can lock round there. Too high, FPS gives the "sliding effect" where when you move or press anything, it delays it.. so... if you dash.. you will see your character take like half a step or a super small step that u just cant see but its happening, therefore, making you seem slower than some1 else that isn't so good, also giving you a harder time to learn techniques. So, when you block, your blocks wont insta cut off because of sliding, or fps spiking. So that can really make it impossible to perform TBF at all. Anyway good luck. Everything else every1 said is cool, but it all doesn't matter if you don't go know about this sht.

Well... some ppl are just talkin bs.... lol.