Is there at least one guy who can gladiator without using bs jeet-kune-do philosophy which only works in movies?

Every low tier scrub who cannot even match me 1v1 without having to cheat and still ends up losing with their bs self-warranted bp/sp/slashspam peddle fundamentals think they even stand a chance to my prediction skills?

How come every guy who said the same crap ended up in the same stack of persians I made as a proud spartan?

"Yo bro, your speed, timing, accuracy, secret techniques and cool dashes aren't good bro"
"I wasn't trying"

Hate the playa, don't hate the game.

Hate the fact that all [mid tier - top tier) quit.

Anything else leftover is just a bunch of low tiers and Languid trying to teach these kids how to dash. This game's about hitting and diugnal has stressed it enough prior to teaching dashes only people focus on vanity over validity. Who doesn't wanna look like Bruce Lee in his prime while spamming kung fu philosophy.

If you guys want real glads to improve from look at people like koreanw, Atomsk, Dylan, Randy, Roma(Kris Roma) and Cal(5meodmt). These guys think clearly and dont make up random kung fu crap that would only work if your opponent was dumb as a brick. They're logical. They think. They don't burden themselves with stuff that doesn't work. They're efficient.

Not trash like Sumai(whom I beat, you guys can scrap that 30min vid of him peddling in a spar he begged for. I beat him on an alt.), Nellow, DevonMack, Viper and any other fantasy-based/secret technique/concept crap. Guys like that are too busy absorbed into their own delusions to even face reality.

If a rusty me can take a poop on anything that talks more than plays, then how about quitting and sticking to minecraft where u just bash things?

As for anyone talking crap, the joke's on you. The fact that you cannot talk right into my face means I own you and you're afraid of me. When we avoid talking about something, it took possession of us. Rumoring crap only means I've taken control over your very mind and thought simply by having my name registered on this forum.

I can easily state my opinion about anyone like I am doing right now. When faced with the decision of either removing the anonimity and talking honestly or keeping hidden and rumoring fallacies; the reason you'd do the latter is due to fear of me. I can see through you and no matter how you humor what I just said or how you try to make puns out of it, the fact that I can predict your exact autonomic habit and opinion on it means I know you before even exchanging text with you. Hence, the reader knows I know him and what he thinks and how I potentially influence him/her.(This is, of course directed to a specific group and not just any random clueless person. The group I meant this for will know when I refer to them and how)

Everyone on this thing is either too predictable or too unethical to become challenging so if you want not just glad but anything to work out, start reading and stop being brain-fried.

In this post is every judgement you'd possibly need to correct and it's hidden between the text. Have fun searching for easter eggs you little rascals you. You might actually improve instead of act like it.

PS: If you think Kung Fu philosophy applies to gunz then you're not just dumb, but you're really on par with the people I suggested to avoid. Dumb would be a compliment at that point.

Heres a smiley bye