Originally Posted by Bud View Post
Well yeah, but if you look at the reasoning behind calling Google a cocky f***, you might agree. After another point made on this discussion(a disscussion that obviously has to be had) he turns around and says "Guess what, closed." Like I should just shut my mouth? My personal reaction is that kid is a cocky f***.

It looks like the Forum Mods have decided not to reply to this quite yet,maybe they're waiting for 5 minutes to go buy without anyone posting so they can lock it.
I am a forum mod, the rest have went to bed for the night.

I would like to note if you feel that someone has incorrectly moderated your post, or a staff member has done something out of line, simply report it and the action will be taken accordingly. It is very hard for us to deal with issues in a public setting (such as a thread), especially when issues such as this one are fairly unique to one another. I would suggest next time you feel so strongly about an issue, instead of posting it (in which you become the bad guy, with a forum mod deleting and infracting you for posts), just report the issue, and let it go through the proper channels. You don't have to deal with the moderator of your thread, there are many of us, including administration. This is how issues are supposed to be handled.