Originally Posted by Wucas Pls View Post
There is literally nothing that can be brought up on this topic.

You guys feel that threads are closed early, we heard the message loud and clear. This is not a normal thread in which issues are discussed, it is a sensitive issue that deals with the practices of forum moderating. Simply put, threads like this get spammed to infinity way faster than we can moderate it. That is why topics like these are closed early, and it seems rather logical to me. Also note, looking back at this thread we have insults upon many members of staff, that is reason enough to close this thread right here and now.

If you want to forum moderate your way, apply for it next time it comes around and pass the trial. I'm sorry, but I forum mod on the side, I don't wish to be cleaning up threads like this one all damn day.
Seriously, there is little to no insulting or flaming going on in here, you just seem to overreact lol. Stop taking this so personal / negative. If only you'd try to show your best in here and maybe agree with some of the users, instead of being so stubborn saying "There is literally nothing that can be brought up on this topic". Thats what YOU think, so if you're done with this then be my guest and don't reply here anymore, but maybe others want to state your opinion.

I think cleaning this thread up is far from necessary, it'll cost you little to no time, don't over react.