Hi my ign is Questlove. My past aliases in various servers were Obey, Bossa Nova/BossaNova, and Peacetime (and a bunch of others but these were the most memorable). Just here to play a game I really enjoyed in the past. it's not like what it used to be but it's all good. I think a lot of people didn't like me cause I played a turtle style where I would try to get the easiest solid shots off possible. (it made more sense to me at the time rather than spamming to compensate for ping difference but's it not effective anymore with anti-lead)
Some random tidbits:
Favorite era: before anti-lead shot. I liked having to anticipate where people moved and shoot based on that.
Favorite weapon: The juggernaut - 2 solid shots and you're dead but rarely anyone I knew used it except jMyth. and the snipers before anti-lead shot and scope.
My prime: Bossa Nova - Gnomes (Diosvany's Clan)

Just here to play some goonz, no ill-will or ego. Peace.