IGN of reported player: Pollas // ^2Do^6nate^2lla // ^5LadyGaga (or familiar colors to this) <- same person..

Reason: Insults, vote kick spams, provoking, annoying people in game room, treating to report.

Proof/Evidence: http://cubeupload.com/codes/12a5a <- If you need, I can upload every photo individually.

And again, she/he started doing the same, after she/he changed his nick. Expecially with ''Pollas'' one. Created this char just to insult me, copied exactly the same outfit and dropping flashbangs/ training granades and disturbing other people. When players gets annoyed, ladygaga vote kicks my char and rejoins to room with new vote kick... Heh.
Btw, so many reports been made about her/him, how many stories been written about her/his ''tricks'', and he/she still plays, and no action been taken about this child.
For ex, from me:
https://freestylersworld.com/showthre...s-crap-already and some others I have made couple months ago.

Thanks for reading, hope any actions will be made to stop her/him.