Originally Posted by Taint View Post
dodge re = 11-0 auto for taint
gg no re you suck
compton sucks too
say hi to icecube tell him how does it feel to ride taint and beg him to join compton with nickyt
Much ego fck!

I hope you don't mean Ben begged you on NickyT to join cause chances are it wasn't him, NickyT is BustaRhymes, Icecube used the account time to time just for the fact it had a Limit Breaker on it, but the account ownership wasn't his. The original owner of NickyT (BustaRhymes) has ego issues and thinks he's some legend which he's not, goes around calling everyone trash, demands to be admin of Compton because he's some 'pro' and then had to be put back in his place by Ben (Icecube) because of it resulting in getting smacked in a 1v1, but sadly enough he still continues his ego fuelled rage.

Anyways who Uc's or Oc's in Compton i'll talk it over with Ben later about it but I'm pretty much sure no-one does.

Originally Posted by Destruct View Post
Everybody calm the **** down, smush rapes all.
Smush Smush Smush!