Wookie egoed me along with taunt and so we decided to 1v1.... but instead of the correct mods he raged me about (Lead) and i'm like k sure whatever...
I dont mind since i havent played lead in like forever...

and heres the end result

there were alot of egoing going on from his side, first hes like oh that kill doesnt count cause tk, then he ends up tking me twice lmfao.. then he complains about me camping when hes running around the whole map, and when we fight in the middle he ends up running and when were finished with our 1v1 he made up excuses saying oh 1v1 again that was only a warm lol after egoing that much....

yes I admit I am bad, but wookie your worst for losing to a baddie and in your own lead room too >=D

(theres also like 40 other ss's of him egoing me and running away in a fight but thats like soooo much more work) instead ill just post one moar.

k o.o well. thats a couple of minutes ill never get back ./ignore posts~