Basically what Kira said.
PVP has to be balanced. Pvping in Blade & Soul is nearly impossible since u get matched up with people of different levels, there should be a range match-up for sure to enjoy the experience.
Events ingame to encourage playing, mmorpgs bores people after some time. B&S just made a roulette event where u had to spin every 3 hrs or so to go thru a sort of table based on a dice, and as far as u get, better the rewards.
Nice chill out music, not essencial, but is needed.
So far i couldnt find a mmorpgs with custom fighting system, something like gunz where you could cast skills based on keys taping-pattern, and not like, 12345. Would be awesome to have that cause it gives more dynamics to the game.

Btw, whats this project about? you're planning in making your own game or something? or just collecting info?