I have a few suggestions i would like to share:

New color names.
Change the color codes into colors, Like the whole name red or so like the GM's have,
(GM's having a thicker color than the normal user's)

HP & Damage shown:
The amount of damage done & damage taken in your screen.

Make an special item for VIP Members:
Like a special Coat or shotgun that costs around the €50.
Also a special channel in game for the VIPs.
A few commands for VIPs:
/kick - Should be instant.
/report - Sending a report to any GM that is online.
/leave - Leaving the room directly ( can be used 5 times in every 30 minutes )

This should be only available for players that are trust worthy by GM's and other staffs.
They will get a special ability to make player events:
(Use special codes to be godlike, contact for more)

Ranking update:
Change the Ranking by their K/D &Clanwar ranking & not by level and kills.
Top donator of the month (can be shown on the site)

/Respect command:
Give players respect: by typing /respect (playername)
3 Respect per account & week. The person with the most respect will be shown on the site as Player of the month.

Block offensive language from the game. will save alot of trouble.

Guardian players:
This is a rank that EX-staffs get or you've to be recommanded by a GM:
This rank makes u able to give a warning to a player, (3/5 online guardians should look at the /reports and say what they think of it. When 3/5 guardians are the same thinking of the report the player gets a warning.)

Have a good day : Michel.

(Thread is getting editted sometimes)