Load Config from file : config.xml- FAIL
Load XML from memory : system/system.xml- SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/strings.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/cserror.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/messages.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
Load XML from memory : system/gametypecfg.xml
Dmp ok.
A hacking attempt has been detected. In accordance with the agreement that members have consented, the FGUNZ staff continues to monitor and collect information on the users who hack. Keep in mind that all the responsibility brought about by committing any illegal act in civil or criminal case falls on the shoulders of the user who commits such an illegal act.
I'm hacker.
Gunz64 launched. Build (May 20 2013 02:28:56)
Log time (02/21/14 1733)
Error while launching game [4] (0 - 11956) (Code: 0)

What I get^. No firewall or anti-virus installed. I've been having this issue for a year now. Any solution?