Well, for those who know it, yes I'm talking about Dwarf Fortress (F2P for those who wondered).

It's currently the most complex game in the world, and it's still in alpha (has been for 14 years and will be for roughly another 16).

So I just fell back on that gem and decided to play it for real, followed the tutorial to the end. And I got to say, THIS IS AWESOME.

You know a randomly generated world... (minecraft)... WAY bigger... that generates it's own creeps, beasts and what's not.... that generates it's own Lore (YES! that's so sick, although it does take a lot of computer power to do so after a while (roughly 90 years of Lore) up to a maximum of 1050 years). And that's saying there's thousands of events every year, each recorded and interconnected. Have empires rise and fall, it's political, economical situations and conflicts; with it's own myths, deity and so on so forth, all GENERATED. No one ever had the same as you. Sick.

For those who are interested, it's an extremely fun game set in a fantasy world of ...generated. Where your goal is... no goal. You start with a small caravan of 7 dwarves, and you want to establish a fortress. The rest is up to you, how you build it, what will you do, how will you handle external politics. EVERYTHING is possible. In fact, this game is so complex as to analyse the exact amount of blood every character has (can have hundreds of them too!), it's organs and everything else.

You could, for instance, with a captured goblin, decide to put him naked in a hole with his eyes gushed out, and watch him bang himself against the walls trying to get out until he bleeds to death. Now now, I won't say anymore except, if you want to try it, it's pretty simple.


Will let you download the game (or if you dont trust this link simply google: Dwarf fortress).

I would lie to you if I told you this game had a learning curve, it's more off a cliff. But it's definitely worth it, and where else better to share this than on a Gunz forum? If you have difficulty with the basic appearance, there is other tilesets out there that you can download (personnaly I think the default is fine though). I suggest trying a game first, and once you acknowledged your lost as hell (I'd give a million bucks to whoever grasp this game on the go), then go look at a tutorial to start yourself up.

Arrows + enter (or any key specified at the bottom) is used to navigate the menus.



Otherwise, I'd be interested in knowing if anybody here plays DF and if so, any funny story to share, how do you like the game and what kept you hooked on.