Originally Posted by LuoHan View Post
You're starting to sound like beastd junior. I mean the fact you're licking eu scrotum tells me you get trashed pretty hard in NA so you need to bandwagon another continent since no one gives you love here. Also, empty talk with a random name proves nothing. keep LOLing random, I mean the real humour is that you don't even have the balls to say who you are and continue to spew big boy talk. Even on an alt, I'll put you in the dirt and trash your dreams of thinking you were even remotely good. Let me know babe.
You never have fought vs. me, or beat me even random. I watched you play and you are simple random spammer, all massives no concepts like zoning or evade, just massive massive massive how beat combo ok massive.

If that is top tier NA then EU is more impressive smh.. gladiator stooped to shithole players with high ego and skill not so high like u are.

I would easily counter your style if you didn't use every single massive like a skill absent retard. Anyways I would still beat you in 1v1, the only good NA i seen is Randy AKA iDark/Dyriel who would walk you ezily