Name of player : Raedon.
Reason: Killing me in Circle of mine event without any reason , I asked Prone if I can have example because I never played it and I joined late so I didn't see the explain in the GM , Prone told me 'Jump' I didn't I asked him for example he said 'Want example' , I wanted to say yes , 1 second after Prone asked me if I want example Raedon pb'ed me by his infinity shotgun, I asked from them to get me alive they ignored.
My opinion that if Prone didn't want to give me example he had to tell me , No example , jump or we have to kill you. or give me example , but Raedon killed me without warning me, if he did warn and I didn't notice because there was spam, them let him send me the record and we'll see.
Proof: you can ask Prone/Shino/Raedon for the record.
it happened at 02:18 AM ~ 02:21 AM GTM +03:00
Don't close this thread till we solve the problem. Because I had chance to win one event point.