Originally Posted by Abasena View Post
you are a big liar, you know that? you even said 'hi' in the ****ing chat. I'll get out the replay right now. Stop ****ing covering up for shit kids.



I even whispered you to come spectate a cw but you were already there 'coincidentally'.
oh you were talking about this one, I thought you were talking about the replay when the other guy was talking about you, and I tried to not "answer" dan's report because he is an "israelian" so I might help him because we speak hebrew and because we are jew, right?
Look at the tournament thread (2Vs2) I was telling the truth but no, no one gives a shit, "You help him because jew" and etc, go read it, everyone thought I was lying for him while I was telling the truth, good thing Dave checked and confirmed me.

So please tell me what would happen if I'd decline ur report? just wondering.