Hey everyone,

My name is Connor. I am 22 years old and going to be a senior in college starting this Fall. I am majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I currently know Java, C, HTML, HTML5, CSS, PHP, Javascript, SQL, Groovy, Grails. I've worked little with Ruby and Python, not enough to tell someone I know how to decently code in them. Anyways, I used to play IJJI gunz for a really long time. I haven't played a gunz private server other than this 1. I hear gunz 2 came out, tried it, hated it. It just wasn't the same. Sooo, I looked for a private server and this one looked like the best! Anyways, I enjoy technology in general, working with computers mainly, I liked video games, programming, anime, basketball, tennis, and I have a 2005 gsxr 750, 20th anniversary edition. Anyways this is a little about myself. I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone since I plan to be here awhile! Thanks to anyone who reads any of this.