Originally Posted by Cobra View Post
Before you talk about weapons and such, make sure you know what was I am referring to. I was referring to the clan-wars. Also, I'm sick and tired of repeating this again and again, his threads always ended into sh1t. Everyone flaming instead of coming up with solutions together like a real community and the thread ends up getting closed and nothing solved.
That's the whole point weapon rebalancing are NEEDED for clan wars I mean god a 10dmg sg that needs to be rebalanced aint shit done bout that. You said that solutions need to be given instead of complaints PLENTY of solutions were given in thoses serious threads like to increase competitiveness get rid of mods cause if you just keep playing in mod rooms ur bound to suck 4ever since u just spam the shit so when those noobs just go cw they get obliterated and they'll just hide in their mod rooms forever and never come out. Anyway to sum it up there were plenty of solutions so what are you on about and if also you're telling something about threads getting closed down cause of ridiculous flame? read this https://freestylersworld.com/showthre...-on-the-forums