So I just came back recently from a break. I re-downloaded the game, started going into rooms, and this weird thing keeps happening. I'll join a room and my movements look really laggy and choppy for a bit, maybe 5-10 seconds. Then after that time is up, it feels like normal gameplay. But then I look, and everyone's ping is really high to me. Pings that would normally be 30-40 for me are now 100+. I ask others and they say my ping is the same (roughly 100), but that I don't lag or spike or anything. There was even a point where like 10 minutes into a game, I randomly got AE for like half of the players in the room, and it didn't go away.

Don't really know how to go about fixing this, since I've never had this problem. So I was wondering what you suggest I do. Thanks ^^