I found some information on how to improve your aim, I've had a few people ask me how to improve aim, so I thought I'd share it with you guys, I hope you find this helpful.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

- Your sensitivity should be high enough so that you can turn and look around quickly, but if your character spins around more than 3 times if you move your mouse along a standard mouse mat then you will have problems being accurate later on and should lower it.

- When you SS try not to hold down click. Instead, I like to do two clicks. One to slash and one to shoot you're gun. It allows you to wait a second and aim if you don't have an open shot as soon as you switch to your gun.

- Memorize the distance you need to move your mouse to look a certain distance in the game.

- If your monitor seems too low and it feels as if you are sitting above it, put it at face height, and sit quite far back and relax, I find comfort is a good tip for aiming, and try to keep thinking that you need to hit the mo' fo.

- Try relying on 1 set of revs, your ammo is limited to one gun and you obviously have to hit in order to actually get kills. Don't bother k-styling while trying to aim at first. Try being a 'noob' and just aiming then when you need to fight back k-style if you want.

- Read to see if there's a repetitive pattern that the opponent is doing and don't be afraid to use the map to your advantage.

- Learn the to slow the movement of your enemy with your own movements. Such as tumbling at an angle to their strafing - cutting their evasiveness in half and setting up a perfectly aligned shot. FS and HHS are also good for that.

(I take no credit for any of this information)