IGN: ^4Ommadawn^7 THE GM....
reason: Kicks from event for no reason and also today he dced me for a stupid reason. *ABUSING POWERS*
Was kicked from event cuz i was trying to tell my team that he was at "mid". He didn't say that we couldn't tell his spot so i really don't know why he had to kick me.
Don't have evidence of being dced cuz it's impossible. Also how can i SS of him kicking me? impossible also.
Well the best evidence is GM himself.
Can he only make rules in game room only pls because we cannot see if he had said "don't tell my spot" also he never even said it but instantly kicked me.

I want a pt for being kicked for no reason.

Can another GM handle this pls Ommadawn will instantly decline it without letting me say my points.