IGN of reported player: ^CRiver^G^G, xxelmachosxx, Fiesta, lixoputa69,


- Harassment -

Joining the same room I was in, telling his "friends" to come over to the same room (check the screenshot where he says "/rroom 3 3"). Doing vote kick, calling me a noob.

Saying I was GM for 2 hours. (I know it's true but it's for sure he's saying that to mock me)

xxelmachosxx calling me "trenny"

Fiesta telling Shino to make me admin for a tit pic (?)

- Spamming -

lixoputa69 was spamming the room I was in with flaming content.

Proof/Evidence: http://imgur.com/0tMUPMQ,OuGjvx1,Erk...P9gs,UGvbI9Y#2