Originally Posted by slugheady View Post
If I see a couple making out on street, at work or any public area I usually feel disgusted by it. This has nothing to do with them being gay, heterosexual or transgender.

If I don't like someone, I could have a thousand reasons. This has nothing to do with him/her being gay, heterosexual or transgender.

If I choose not to hang out with you, that would have to do with my personal preferences. It's up to the individual what to do with this.

Kids / teens get bullied in school, outside or wherever. It's sadly part of growing up. The harsh rule is that the weakest will get picked on, if kids or teens are continuously bullied it is because they're easy to bully. I'm not saying this is right, I'm not saying it's completely their fault or that I agree with the activities.

What I'm saying is. When I a gay person gets offended, he might think it's because he's gay. When a heterosexual gets offended he/she might think it's because they're that way. When a black guy gets offended they call it racist and when a girl gets offended its sexism. When I get offended, it might be because I'm bald or someone just doesn't like me, he/she might be in a bad mood but I tend not to put it in a racial or sexual way, because I have no reason. You people shouldn't try to be offended all the time, and if offended blame it on who you are, you're bringing the racism and sexism up yourself. Once again, I don't necessarily agree with the offenses, but the response to it is something you guys can do something about yourselves, but I guess it's easier to just put it on racism and sexism because why not right?
amen i don't even understand how you can be harmed by what some one else but your gf says about you
unless you twilight fan
Originally Posted by Rick View Post
"God created Adam and Eve, not ching-pong and kiv" Does that make being Asian a sin? No. I love seeing people talk about bible and never read it and I don't want to be mean towards you or anything but how the f does being who YOU are makes you an attention whore? and yes I get where you get that from that some people are, doesn't mean everyone is. That´s like saying because Hitler was racist all german are racist? No. That´s like saying that every black guy have a big **** which is not so but anyhow everyone is free to think whatever they want but learn from the quote 'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything'
what the **** did you smoke, the bible is for humans meaning asians too.. welcome to the club you are now part of the human race if you ddidnt know
hitler wasn't racist he just had strong ideals, thats like saying im racist because i say every jew uses hacks when playing games and don't pretend you never seen a porn, all black ppl but dev. mike have big ****s
And that last sentence, 'SAY GUD STUFF OR DONT TELL ME WHAT WRONG TY' critisism is better than that attentionwhore sentence.