IGN of reported player: Altercation

Reason: Aimfix, or possibly some other form of aim assistance

Proof/Evidence: http://www.speedyshare.com/ctnfT/alterfix.gzr

Uploaded it on Youtube for your convenience.

Please watch at 1/2 speed for better results.

Some obvious moments:

0: 10, 0: 11 - aim snap
0: 39 - aim snap, readjusts his aim literally the milisecond I start moving
0: 41 - mid dash pb
0: 55 - aim snap, still gets me to 9hp when he shoots completely out of position
1: 11 - mid dash pb
1: 24 - weird snap again
1: 25 - ...where are you aiming?
1: 26 - perfect tracking, keep playing it back.
1: 44 - aim snap
2: 02 - 2: 04 - keeps shooting to the left when I'm to the right? Also, stop the stream at 01: 02: 48 for a nice angle!
2: 20 - aim snap
2: 31 - aim snap
2: 32 - aim snap
2: 33 - aim snap
2: 36 - nice angle! does a hs out of position and kills me
2: 46 - literally tracks me perfectly in the air when I'm flashstepping and does a 70dmg shot + 3 shots me.
2: 50 - mid dash pb
3: 05 - gets completely outplayed and outpositioned, still hits harder than me. Stop the stream at 01: 03: 49 if you don't know what I mean. Nice angle there, buddy.

Could probably find more, but I think this should be enough...

Ping was 100.

The stream recording is in my past broadcasts. Can't post it here for some reason.
Starts at 1: 00: 40

Some more facts:
- he doesn't time his own dashes, and doesn't wait for mine to end. Instead, he just pbs me in the middle of my dash, which means that he constantly pulls the trigger at the perfect time within a 0.3 second timeframe to score a pb. Does it constantly.
- he doesn't time his shots. Goes all spam mode and hits magical pbs even when he's wallposting.
- lost 2 cws before the 1v1 when he was camping. Was barely doing damage. See the stream for reference. But look how much he has improved 5 minutes after the clanwar! Amazing!
- made a 2 player room. Too afraid of both our teammates spectating, eh?
- doesn't have a single bad round. Pretty much doesn't miss at all. PBs me latedashing from the ground when I'm doing a LD in air myself. Wow!