Its funny how many people hate on snipers yet they don't realize how overpowered shotguns are, with 850 delay and 9+ dmg. Instead of nerfing snipers how about the fgunz team nerf some of the other weapons.

This is my response to Eddie: Instead of sucking off the fgunz staff with your shitty post how about u give a valid response to Venay's opinions because all of his points are true and many people support him. Also your post had nothing to do with what Venay was actually trying to say so I suggest to reread the whole post this time and btw English is Venay's second language and he told me that he didn't mean for the sentence to come out like the way it did.

I think this team of Fgunz need to do something, because you guys made ​​a lot of people spend money on this snipers... and we bought them with the delay that you guys choose ... can not change now.