Ok so today I was playing quest by myself (because I didn't want anyone beside me to get the item) and I was really determined to get a lvl 20+ item.

It took me nearly 1 hour and an half to get to a lvl 11 item and I was kinda happy with that. However I did not achieve my goal to get to lvl 20+ so I decided to sacrifice my lvl 11 item. I finished quest and I dropped a lvl 7 item.. I told myself that I was being unlucky and that it happens you know.. but then I sacrified it again and I got a lvl 2 item!! like how the hell am I supposed to get a high lvl item? I was really disappointed because I just had spent almost 2 hours doing that. I'm sure this new feature was intented so people would actually try to get a higher lvl item..

So my suggestion is that you get an item of an equals or higher lvl than the one you've sacrified.

So yeah if you could reply to me it would be appreciated and I would like to know if you are planning to improve the new quest items.

Thank you,