Are both human. They both lie. They both have different certain organs and body parts. They both play games. So I really have got to ask would people really STFU with "She's really a he", because for all you know I could be a girl posing as a guy.

I think the only reasons some people really have a problem is because they have issues, and want to somehow bone/date/flirt with these girls or something, I MEAN REALLY. GO OUT. TALK TO PEOPLE, (whatever your preference is, men or women), then ask them out, or if you just want friends do the same but don't ask them out, don't do it on the net, because you just fail. Questioning whether girls are guys or guys are girls on the net Fails. I Failed. Now for the love of god, get over the fact of genders ON A GAME, or on the forum stop questioning if they're a girl or not and say hello instead.

I mean some people on this server question whether there a girl before actually welcoming them. It's really amazing.