Originally Posted by Azula View Post
I understand your brother completely. It's not just the sex bro. It's the trust. His girlfriend lied to him for all those years. Your brother had an image about that girl and now that image is completely the opposite. From now on, everytime that girl is going to chill with other people he will not trust er, not anymore. I don't think you can save their relationship. Everything now is up to the liar, his gf. His gf must use all the effort to make your brother believe that he is the ONLY man in her life. If this girl won't do this than you will witness the relationship end in a war.

You cannot tell him to man up, that is not fair. This guy is betrayed. It is impossible to forget about the lie if the girl wants to continue like it never happend.. What was the girl reaction when your brother and she talked about it?
Oh man, if you put it that way it does sound like it depends on her and what her next move will be. I feel what you said when you mentioned that it's not fair to tell him to man the fk up since he did nothing wrong on his part. I asked my brother what she said about this and she said that she was sorry and that she had a very low esteem and she didn't know that she was gonna meet my bro in the future. Also said that if she knew that she was gonna meet him, she would've refused those secks experience, tho I doubt that she will refuse them since they were her past lovers.