Ever since yesterday when I allowed the launcher to update I've been experiencing issues in regards to my ping/network. (Think it updates due to relocating?)

I'm running Windows 10 (Probably irrelevant)
Using wireless (Always have done)

I've always used wireless to play and do suffer an occasional spike in ping, however lately since the update it's gotten worst, to the point were ping suddenly displays (--) and my spawning is relatively slow. (I'll spawn in duel and my opponent is already at my spawn), suffered an issue of killing someone yesterday, a new round started however from my client side it hadn't i was still 112/0hp seen them spawn and was able to re-kill them without being seen or them able to deal damage to me.

Any ideas? Ethernet cable isn't really an option as my girlfriend is anal about wires being ran across the house, plus my dog will just chew on them. As i said i've never had such a problem until the update I'd gotten yesterday