Originally Posted by StephanM View Post

  1. This was the first I had in mind when creating this.
  2. It is a bold copy of the soccer club logo of Tilburg (Willem II) *link to original*
  3. I randomly came up with this one just before I was about to close Illustrator
  4. Started to think more about a small icon that I could use separately from the text if I ever had to use it (stickers n stuff) also the crown is used from this image *link to image*

I am doing this since I want to start a "company" in honour of my best friend (who passed away 3 years ago).
So help me pick one of these four logo's, I might edit some stuff if needed (say, remove the line of the 4th logo).

Thanks community of FG!
Second picture come closest to being a "good" one. But it needs a lot of tweaks.
Also using that kind of font is not original for a skateboard kind of thing in my opinion.