I swear these forum mods be killin all the fun.

Originally Posted by Dao View Post
Oh nvm then LMFAO, benifits was egoig me aswell in duel , probably didnt like to get smekt that hard
I'm telling you, this kid is trash.

Just earlier today, me and my boy Yohan were playing and this guy got rekked so bad he rqed looool.

That was my first game, no warm and shit. And when I started to attack his spike, he RQ's LOL. This dude even rages in attack and defs, egoing people like he's some sort a god or something, HE CANT EVEN WALLPOST PROPERLY. Damn, I even remember this one time in TDMS where he got 0-6'ed I mean how bad can this guy actually be?

Where fck u getting your guts bro? You have to fall in line to get your shot. File an application first maybe?