Originally Posted by Fourth View Post
I'm being strictly professional here, these really are amazing shots. Do you manually adjust your settings? Based on what I've observed, these are landscapes. Ever tried seeing what you can do with other subjects? I want to upload my shots too but im at work. I recently editted a shot of my motobecane vintage 60's bike with my audio technica ws55 and sony mdr zx 110 and so far, it's been my best shot/edit this month. Took it with my Sony A100. This is why I recommended Sony to Shino, I've been using it for years and I haven't seen it complain about anything lol.
I usually keep the settings at auto or landscape with the default 18 mm lens. cept the one with the towers, i used a 200mm for that. i tried experimenting with subjects and models but they dont turn out well as i expected, i did post one of pikachu tho