Suggestion type:

Suggestion title:


Suggestion description:

Basically, here i'm suggesting that we should add shouts which will be used In-game.
Shouts is that item by which we will be able to shout in the lobby and make use of it.

Many players hosts events in Freestyler's world channel. They are unable to reach to each and every player who is playing in same channel, so shout will be very useful when player will shout "/Shout LMS Event in room no. 13." It will also be useful for calling players for quests and challenge quests. With the help of shouts we will be able to reach all the players who are playing in same channel.

Working of Shouts :

i- Shouts will be used only in the the Channel we are curruntly at. It means if you're in Freestyler's world then the reach of the shout will be only in Freestyler's world.
II- Should will be sold in Event shop and the Price will be 2 Event points = 10 shouts.
III- It can be used as /Shout "The message will be here".

Advantages of Shouts :

i- Players can reach many players with the help of shout.
ii- This function will be unique too and it would help get more players as new function is invented and used first time in any GunZ!
iii- Shout can be real good for Events, CQ's and more.

Dis-Advantages of Shouts :
i- Spam could get increase.
ii- Players might fight over shouts.

PS- Shouts can be more of useful and userfriendly thing than its dis-advantages so we can look forward to code such item and use it.